International Homoeopathic Foundation

Dr Amita Arora

Dr Amita Arora

International Homoeopathic Foundation was set up to further the cause of homoeopathy across the world and also find synergies with other medical sciences to offer better patient care, higher levels of diagnostic understanding and of course exchange of ideas and best practices.

Suffering around the world has taken on a different form today. While the basic problems of malnutrition, hunger, poverty related diseases continue to be on the forefront, the bigger challenges are those that have grown into our very lifestyle and are difficult to observe and even more to diagnose.

Today, high stress jobs, unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, polluted environs and an obsession with the electronic world is creating a population that are wrought with complications that manifest themselves physically and psychologically. These factors are changing the very nature of medicine, making us practitioners look beyond our boundaries for answers to problems that are new, untreated and undocumented.

Under the banner of International Homoeopathic Foundation, we hope to achieve our aim of making homoeopath a household name internationally. The International Homoeopathic Foundation is a platform where you will find that we have a fabulous amalgamation of scientific research ranging from diagnostics to disharmony, medication to robotic surgery.

We have been blessed to have a pool of doctors who are leaders in their field join us, to share their knowledge and experience. Importantly the conference will be powered by technology and enhanced with humour.
Our vision is simple – make relevance and acceptance of alternate medicines in general and homoeopathy in particular universal.Come join us in our endeavor and become a flag bearer for our mission. Join our foundation and register for the Foundation. We are in the midst of exciting change and hope to partner with you in making a difference.


Dr. Amita Arora
Co Founder Secretary – IHF
Mass and Media Officer SDHA,
Founder Ace Homoeopathy.

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